One day you will have a Worker Robot.

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Monilus' artificial intelligence model will be a world-class achievement. This model will make RobiCorp robots more efficient by making smart and fast decisions.

Monilus' roadmap specifies the project's future goals, development stages and technological advances. It also includes elements such as community engagement, marketing strategies, collaborations and financial planning.

The Monilus token is a blockchain project aimed at producing worker robots through advanced technology and innovative manufacturing processes, providing people with a stable source of income and creating a sensational impact globally as a cryptocurrency. One of the project's primary goals is to improve the quality of life by liberating people from harsh working conditions and providing them with income. Additionally, Monilus token aims to establish a reliable and transparent financial system using blockchain technology.

What is Monilus?





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By following Monilus on social media, you can keep up to date with Monilus' innovations and opportunities. You can also tell people around you about Monilus and include them in this futuristic world. Don't forget to follow our Telegram channel and other social media accounts for sweepstakes and important announcements!

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Monilus contract address

Unlimited maximum supply -100M Monx in circulation
